
What are the role of dietary fibers and why it is important in fitness:

Dietary fibers are made of in digestible parts of plants which pass almost literally unchanged through the digestive track.
It’s main function is to keep the digestive system healthy and imposes bowel moment. 
It helps in absorption of nutrients. Ensures proper digestion. Helps in elimination of waste from the body.
Plants have a lot of fiber in them. Animal food, dairy products, poultry food do not have fibers in them.
High Intake of Dietary Fiber and Whole Grains Reduce Risk of ...
Fibers are of two types:
1. Soluble fibre: These includes gums, pectins and mucilage, mainly found in plant cells. Soluble fibers are found in fruits, vegetables, flax seed, oat bran, Barley, Soy products, oats, peas, lentils. Soluble fibers help to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, constipation.
2. Insoluble fiber: These includes cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, found on the plant cell walls. Insoluble fibers are found in wheat bran, corn bran, rice bran, seeds, skin of fruit and vegetable, whole grain foods, beans, nuts. Insoluble fibers adds a bulk to faeces, fights constipation.
Both type of fibers are found in various plant foods in mixture.
Lack of fiber in the diet leads to constipation. You should eat whole grains.people mostly eat dairy poultry and animal products and due to lack of plant products in their diet they face constipation and other digestion related issues.
Rather than focusing on refined grains such as white breads, white pasta, white rice, you should focus on whole grains.
Lack of fiber in the diet also leads to diabetes.
The fibers in your diet don’t allow to spike the blood sugar in your body and your body absorbs nutrition slowly which is very important.
Human body needs 25 gram fiber a day the proper functioning of the body. So, if you are taking 5 meals a day then take 5-6 g of fiber in each meal. If you are going with 3 meals a day, then, take 8-10 gm fiber in each meal.

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