carbohydrates and it’s role in body building

Choosing Healthy Carbohydrates

People often think carbohydrates are not required for the body as they want to get shredded or loose weight. There is a common myth that consuming carbohydrates increases weight and is not good for fat loss. But it is not completely correct, consuming carbohydrates form unhealthy sources like pizza, burgers, will increase negative weight in the body. So you should focus on eating healthy calories.

Check for the top 10 sources of healthy carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the fuel for the body and they are converted into glycogen that are stored in the muscles that provides energy during workout. Just make sure that you are taking complex carbohydrates like wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes and not focusing on unhealthy carbohydrates like refined grains such as white rice, refined flours.

Carbohydrates trigger almost every functions in our body as they provide energy and energy is used everywhere. If your diet does not contains enough carbohydrates then your workout performance and recovery rate will be severely affected, so, don’t avoid carbohydrates, they are the food for brain.

Carbohydrates prevent muscle loss. If your body remain calorie deficient then our body converts muscles back to amino acid and then to glucose. So carbohydrates should never be avoided.

Fiber is also a type of carbohydrate that maintains a healthy digestive system. Fibers are not digested by our body but they help in digestion of other nutrients.

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