Protein and it’s role in body building

Protein | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of ...

Protein is the most essential and underrated nutrient when it comes to fitness. Protein is made of amino acids. Protein is not just a macro nutrient, it contains sulphur and nitrogen required by every cell in the body. But unlike carbohydrates and fats, our body cannot store protein. So, sufficient amount of protein should be taken from diet. Protein are made of amino acids. There are 21 in total present in all life forms on Earth, out of which 9 cannot be synthesized by humans. So, these 9 amino acids are taken from food.


The Dietary Reference Intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound.

On an average

For man : 56 grams per day 

For woman : 46 grams per day

And if your goal is to build muscles and loose fat, then, more protein is required.

Proteins are the main building blocks of the body, used to make muscles, enzymes, hormones, joints, skin and many more. Build the body with the building block. We cannot store protein in our body. So, we should consume it sufficiently.

Please check

Best protein sources for vegetarians

Best protein sources for Vegans

Best and Cheapest protein sources

Protein, that comes from animals have all the essential amino acids and plants do not have all the essential amino acids. So, they are taken in combination. But results are same for both plant and animal protein. So, there is no myth that vegetarian and vegan diet is not good for bodybuilding.

Taking sufficient protein help us in many ways

  1. Increases muscle mass and strength.
  2. Maintains bone health.
  3. Reduce appetite.
  4. Boosts metabolism.
  5. Helps in staying fit even in old age.
  6. Decreases blood pressure.
  7. Increases recovery rate.
  8. Provides healthy hair and skin.

Sufficient protein as such benefits. But too much of anything is bad.

Excess of protein may lead to weight gain as the extra protein consumed is stored as fat in the body. Many health issues like diarrhea, constipation, may occur. This problem occurs commonly among the non-vegetarian bodybuilder who have lack of fiber in their diet. So, to avoid these problems, take sufficient fiber and drink plenty of water.

Some of the serious side effects of excessive protein is that, it damages the kidneys. Low carbohydrate, high protein diet for a long time can damage the kidney. Excess protein may also lead to calcium loss in the body. It can also increase the chances of heart disease, and cancer.

While choosing protein sources, focus on healthy sources of protein to minimize the effects of high protein.

Best healthy sources of protein

Best healthy sources of protein for vegetarians

We are what we eat. So, rather than focusing on foods with preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, prefer to eat home made nutritious food and choose the correct products in the market.

Protein is the foundation of building muscles. Delivering the body with constant protein supply is essential for the proper muscle growth.
Life cannot sustain without this vital nutrient. So, always enjoy a protein rich meal.

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